What is the Best AC Temperature for Sleeping?

Have you ever wondered what the best AC temperature for sleeping is? If so, you’re not alone! Read this post to learn why temperature matters for sleep and what your air conditioner should be set to at night...

Bedroom in a Utah home. Photo by Christopher Jolly on Unsplash

Why temperature matters for sleep

A study from Science Advances found that warmer nighttime temperatures can often contribute to insufficient sleep. This makes sense: a hot and stuffy room can easily wake most people up at night! It’s hard to get comfortable enough to fall asleep when your room is just too warm. On the other hand, a room that’s too cold will also make it hard to fall (and stay) asleep. Being tired and shivering, unable to sleep, is one of the worst feelings!

This is why it’s super important to set your AC to the right temperature at night. If your home is too hot or too cold, you may not be able to sleep very well. Insufficient sleep, especially if it happens on a regular basis, can make every area of your life harder. You may end up feeling exhausted, lethargic, overwhelmed, unmotivated, and/or cranky. Furthermore, not getting enough rest can weaken your immune system and make it harder to fight off sickness. 

What is the best AC temperature for sleeping?

So, where’s the happy medium between too hot and too cold? How can you make sure your AC setting doesn’t disrupt your sleep?

There is naturally some disagreement about what the best AC temperature for sleeping is. Some people like a warmer environment, while others prefer cooler temperatures. Overall, however, the latter option tends to be the more popular choice when it comes to sleeping preferences. Plus, science appears to agree that cooler air is better for sleeping.

The best AC temperature for sleeping is generally between 60-67 degrees, according to sleep psychologist Michelle Drerup

As your body falls asleep, its temperature decreases slightly. So, setting your thermostat between 60-67 degrees helps this process, therefore helping you fall asleep faster and more comfortably.

Though these temperatures are on the cooler side, they aren’t too cold to prevent you from falling asleep. If needed, you can always grab an extra blanket or two to ensure you’re nice and cozy!

How to keep your room cool enough to sleep comfortably

There are a few key steps you can take to help make sure your home is cool enough for you to sleep comfortably. 

Graphic of an air conditioner in a bedroom. Image by Mustafa shehadeh from Pixabay

#1 - Set your AC

Of course, you will probably need to set your home’s thermostat to somewhere between 60-67 degrees. Over the course of a few days, try setting your thermostat to different temperatures in this range to see what feels the best to you. If your home still feels warmer than what you’ve set the thermostat to, your thermostat or cooling system may be broken. Your home’s air ducts may also be blocked by dirt and in need of cleaning. In either case, start by inspecting your thermostat. If you can’t figure out what the problem is, call a professional to help figure out what’s going on. 

#2 - Set your AC early

Consider turning your AC on to its nighttime setting earlier in the day to make sure your home has fully cooled off by the time you’re ready for bed. Particularly during hot summer months, household temperatures can take a long time to reach the temperature set by the thermostat. We recommend turning your AC to your desired temperature in the late afternoon or early evening if possible.

#3 - Have these items in your room

It may also be helpful to sleep with a fan in your room. Fans are an excellent tool that will further cool your room off and keep fresh air circulating. If you don’t have a ceiling fan in your room, consider buying a portable fan to use instead.

Also, you may want to keep a glass of ice water close by when you go to bed each night. That way, if you do wake up for some reason, you can hydrate yourself with some refreshing water. This will help your body temperature cool down as well, so you can easily fall back to sleep. 

#4 - Consider opening a window

If the air is cool enough (and clean enough) where you live, opening a window in your room at night may also help cool your room down. There’s nothing like falling asleep breathing fresh, crisp air! Just make sure you close your window in the morning before the outside temperature starts warming up. 

#5 - Buy cooling bedding

If you’re a really warm sleeper, turning your AC down and sleeping with a fan may not be enough for you. We also recommend bedding that is made with hot sleepers in mind. For example, bamboo sheets are a great option because they don’t trap in heat or moisture like other fabrics do. This memory foam cooling pillow is another great staple for warm sleepers. Pillows like this are super comfortable to sleep on and will help prevent your head from overheating while you sleep. 

Have a great sleep!

Now that you know what the best AC temperature for sleeping is, you’re one step closer to having a great night of sleep! If you have any other questions about your home’s thermostat or air conditioner or air quality in your home, please don’t hesitate to contact us!