Posts tagged indoor air
What Does HVAC Stand For and How Does it Work?

When you’re a new homeowner, there is so much to learn. The responsibility of owning a home, instead of just renting it, is a massive change, and it requires so much more from you. There are a lot of elements of a building - from plumbing to electrical wiring - that you don’t really need to understand as a renter, but become crucial once you’re calling the shots. The HVAC system in your home is no exception: but what does HVAC stand for?

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Help! What Absorbs Bad Smells In My Home?

Help! What absorbs bad smells in my home? A foul odor that won’t go away is one of the most frustrating household problems to have. It’s extremely valid to want to immediately find something that absorbs bad smells, so you can make them go away! Luckily, if you’re in a predicament and need to get rid of some smelly odors in your home, we can help! Keep reading to learn what absorbs bad smells...

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Indoor Air Pollution: Causes and Effects You Need to Know About (Utah)

Did you know indoor air pollution is often more common than outdoor air pollution in Utah? These are the top causes and effects of indoor air pollution that you need to know about! There are many sources of indoor air pollution, and many of them are not commonly known to Utah residents. Dust, mold, dander, construction debris and more can cause indoor air pollution in Utah. Read this post to learn more!

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How to Get Rid of Smoke Smell in House (DIY)

A smoke smell in your Utah home is never a welcome scent. From a cooking mishap, to a poorly-ventilated fireplace or wood stove, or perhaps a more serious house fire, all of these situations (and more) can lead to a strong, lingering smell of smoke in your home. Next thing you know, you’re frantically Googling, “how to get rid of smoke smell in house” to do whatever you can to have fresh-smelling air in your home.

If you’re wondering how to get rid of a smoke smell in your house, you’re in the right place! Here’s a comprehensive list of 15 DIY solutions for Utah residents who are trying to get rid of an unwanted smoke smell.

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Mold in Utah Homes: What You Need to Know

Mold in Utah homes is a very real problem that many residents deal with annually. Have you ever found mold in an area of your home in Utah? Do you know how to get rid of mold? Maybe you weren’t even aware that mold can pose a problem for Utah residents, especially considering Utah’s dry climate. Whatever your situation is, we’re here to tell you everything you need to know about mold in Utah homes!

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What Does a Dead Mouse Smell Like (and How to Get Rid of It)

Are you a Utah homeowner wondering, "what does a dead mouse smell like?" If so, you're in the right place! Read this post to find out if the foul odor in your Utah home is from a dead rodent and what you can do to get rid of the smell. A rotten smell from a decaying dead mouse can last up to two weeks in Utah homes if not taken care of. Various steps, including ventilating your home and using an air purifier can help remove the smell from your house. Read the full post to find out more tips on how to get rid of a dead mouse smell in your Utah home.

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Breathe Wasatch Clean Air By Doing This (10 Tips)

If you live in Salt Lake City, Utah or on the Wasatch Front, you know that air quality in our area can be quite polluted! This pollution affects not only outdoor air quality, but also the air in our homes. Thankfully, breathing Wasatch clean air IS possible, with the help of things like air duct cleanings and air purifiers. Here are our top ten tips to ensure your Utah home has Wasatch clean air.

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What are the Top Threats to Air Quality in Utah?

Do you know what the top threats to air quality in Utah are? Air quality in Utah, particularly around Salt Lake City and the Wasatch Front, has worsened in recent years. In fact, the American Lung Association ranks the Salt Lake-Provo-Orem area as the 7th worst place in the nation for short-term air pollution. If you’re a Utah resident, you’ve likely noticed the poor air quality yourself. Read on to learn what causes air pollution in Utah.

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You Won’t Believe What We Found in the Air Ducts of These Utah Homes: Part 2

As a Utah air duct cleaning that has been in business for over 20 years, we have found many bizarre things during air duct cleanings in Utah homes. You will not believe some of the objects we found in air ducts and dryer vents throughout Utah! Every so often, we like to share a few of these crazy finds, so that Utah homeowners can know what might be stuck in their homes' air ducts and dryer vents.

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How Poor Indoor Air Quality Is Affecting Your Asthma

Did you know that approximately nine percent of adults and seven percent of kids in Utah have asthma? Indoor air quality in Utah can be quite polluted, which can trigger or worsen asthma symptoms for Utah residents. Decreasing outdoor air quality and other environmental factors in Utah further increase the amount of asthmatic attacks Utahns experience. Indoor air quality can be increased through various measures to help ensure that people with asthma in Utah are breathing clean air.

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5 Benefits of Clean Air Vents in your home (Salt Lake City)

There are important health benefits to having clean air vents in your Utah home. In Salt Lake City and along the Wasatch Front, Indoor air pollution is a cause for a lot of ailments and diseases, yet chances are you’ve never heard that before. Besides health related issues, dirty or contaminated air vents are also a threat to your wallet and your homes wellbeing. Wether you’re living in Salt Lake Country, Davis Country, Utah Country or Park City (or beyond), here are 5 essential benefits of clean air vents in your Utah home.

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Does your Utah home have indoor air pollution? (Use this checklist to find out!)

The source of most Utah indoor air quality problems is our air ducts. It doesn’t matter if you live in Salt Lake City, Utah County, Davis County, Park City or anywhere else along the Wasatch Front. Dirt, pollen, animal dander, other allergens and even rodent feces particles are recirculated through your air ducts every time you turn on the heat, the fan, or the air conditioner. So if you live in Utah, how do you know if you and your family are being affected by indoor air pollution? We’ve created this quick and easy checklist to find out!

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